Anime: 7th Time Loop, Ep. 5


Rishe advances toward Theodore and asks that he be brief. Theodore begins to tell her that his older brother thinks nothing of killing others. He tells Rishe that Arnold killed his own mother. As he tries to scare Rishe by telling her Arnold will kill her too, she retorts by asking how that is a bad thing. Theodore is thrown off balance. Before Theodore can react, Arnold enters the church. Arnold quickly ends the meeting warning both Theodore and Rishe that they are not supposed to interact with each other. Rishe admits she took a gamble responding to the letter as a heads up to Arnold that she is being summoned by someone other than him. Rishe then asks Arnold why people think he is a cruel person even though she sees the kinder side of Arnold. He puts his hand around her throat and tells her she needs to stop being naive.

Rishe argues with Arnold. She simply cannot see him as a cruel person. With his hand still around her neck, he tells her he brought her there to use her. She moves forward and tells Arnold she refuses to see her husband in the negative light. Arnold asks here where she gets her resolve. She admits to Arnold that she has dreams of dying and is afraid the world she is living is a dream after dying. She tells Arnold she made up her mind. No matter how her life ends, she will not run away. She tells Arnold that her resolve is to be his wife. He then grabs her and kisses her.

Back at her villa, Rishe is working hard on her product to present to Tully, but she can’t seem to escape the distraction of the kiss. Rishe’s maid comes in and notices Rishe’s nails. The product Rishe has been working so hard on is nail polish. Rishe asks Maid Elsie if she has a favorite color so she can gift her a bottle. Elsie says she couldn’t possibly indulge, but Rishe insists. This makes Elsie cry because of Rishe’s kindness. Rishe has the maids help make and test the product.

In her next meeting with Tully, he finds the product magnificent. However, he has an intuitive thought that Rishe has a different plan than marketing to nobles. She tells Tully that her item is not expensive or hard to make, it requires a lot of manpower. She suggest they hire from the slums. Tully is not impressed. He isn’t feeling charitable. However, Rishe explains that if they don’t hire unemployed people from the slums, the economy will stagnate rather than grow. Rishe discloses that someone told her that first-class merchants can choose their clients, but Rishe proposes they make their own clients. At first, Tully seems sold, but then he starts to pick apart her proposal calling her immature. Rishe has to pull her trump card from her bag of tricks. She discloses to Tully that she knows his younger sister is ill. She tells Tully that she is growing medicinal plants in her garden that will heal his sister. He is ready to give Rishe everything. However, she discloses that she is not using his sick sister as a bargaining chip. She is going to give him the compound and recipe for free.

In a turn of events, Tully bows to Rishe and accepts her proposal. After the meeting concluded, Rishe stands up and is uneasy on her feet. She tells her guards to fetch Elsie. As the prince’s advisor goes to evaluate her condition, she is missing. Kamil and Elsie betrayed Rishe and brought her to the slums to be held as a captive for Theodore.


Finally! We get to something interesting. The whole Tully/Rishe line of events bored me. I know that she has this grand plan in place, but the set up took entirely too long. How swoon worthy was that kiss?! A total toki-doki moment. I love how he took her by surprise. There is never a dull moment with these two. I knew Prince Theodore was up to no good! What’s his angle? Why would he kidnap Rishe? These are the questions I need answers to! Will continue to monitor.


Episode 1: The Fiancée That Killed Me
Episode 2: The Golden Imperial Capital
Episode 3: A Thinly Veiled Sword Dance (Rondo)
Episode 4: Turning a Knave Into a Secret Spice

Author: ChibiChonk

I live my life one casual hobby at a time.