Anime: 7th Time Loop, Ep. 9


Rishe is still wondering how to avoid Count Lawvine from figuring out she’s Lucius. She is also trying to figure out how to get the medicine to Prince Kyle. Suddenly, a man approaches her as she works in the garden. It’s her teacher from a previous life.

In a flashback, Rishe remembers her time with Professor Michel. He had taken her to see an aurora to help her research. He tells her as her teacher, he will do anything to help her learn and step back when she needs him to. It is obvious that she genuinely looks up to her former teacher. When the guards try to usher him back to his room, Rishe stops them. As she introduces herself, Professor Michel notices her nails. They have a conversation back and forth as a teacher and student would.

Professor Michel notices Rishe’s garden. Using his logic, he deduces that Rishe is planning on giving Prince Kyle medication.

Rishe is given an audience with Prince Kyle. When encouraged to talk freely, Prince Kyle immediately admonishes Michel for being so informal with the fiancé of the Crown Prince. Michel blows off the comment by stating she is his student. Michel then proposes the idea that Prince Kyle be her guinea pig for the sake of an experiment. Rishe corrects Michel and tells him he should use the Prince as a guinea pig. Kyle agrees to take the medication. Rishe prepares the medication, but tells him it is truly horrible is taste. Without missing a beat, Michel shoves the medication down the Prince’s throat.

Michel immediately begins to ask the Prince questions about the flavor. The entire time, Rishe is admonishing Michel. While they are waiting for her escort to arrive, Michel allows her to look at his notes. As she is remembering their debates, her escort arrives. It is none other than Prince Arnold. Prince Arnold tells Michel that he can ask for anything as he teachers his future wife.

As they walk, Prince Arnold asks Rishe if she always stays up that late. She tells him only when she is absorbed in her work, but not to worry. She slept in. He then tosses her his pocket watch. Prince Arnold begins to question her about Michel. Rishe tells Prince Arnold that Michel is something of an alchemist.

As Rishe prepares for the party welcoming Prince Kyle, she receives a letter from the proprietress making her ring. She lets Rishe know that the ring will be ready sooner than expected. At the party, it is obvious that Prince Arnold does not want to be there.

Prince Kyle shows up and gives his greetings to Prince Arnold. Rishe asks about Prince Kyle’s health in which he replies he feels better. Rishe excuses herself to find and talk to other ladies. Now that she has broken free from the princes, she turned her focus into avoiding Count Lawvine.

Rishe then notices that the princes are wandering off somewhere private to speak. Prince Kyle asks Prince Arnold for Galkhein’s military strength. It is during this conversation that Prince Arnold concludes that Coyolles is running out of precious metals and gems. As Prince Kyle begs Prince Arnold to consider becoming allies with Coyolles, Prince Arnold makes it clear that invading another country is more his style.


It is interesting to see the flashes of “future” Prince Arnold. He is cold and calculated. Rishe is doing her best to see the branches in time and figure out how she can stop Prince Arnold from becoming a cruel emperor killing all in his way. What has made Prince Arnold this way? This is the one question plaguing my mind. Where did his scars come from? There is so much mystery shrouding Arnold. With very few episodes left, I hope they don’t leave those important questions unanswered.


Episode 1: The Fiancée That Killed Me
Episode 2: The Golden Imperial Capital
Episode 3: A Thinly Veiled Sword Dance (Rondo)
Episode 4: Turning a Knave Into a Secret Spice
Episode 5: Another Kind of Trade
Episode 6: The Only One in the World
Episode 7: A Lullaby Like the Beat of a Heart
Episode 8: The Color of the Sea Beyond the Horizon

Author: ChibiChonk

I live my life one casual hobby at a time.