Anime: 7th Time Loop, Ep. 11


In a meeting with Prince Kyle, Rishe forms an alliance with Prince Kyle to avoid the threat of war. However, she still has Professor Michel to contend with. After writing a letter, Rishe sees glowing light coming from outside. She exits to her balcony to the sight of fireflies.

As she looks at the beautiful fireflies, Prince Arnold exits onto his balcony, sword in hand. Prince Arnold does not know what the fireflies are called. Instead, he tells Rishe if she is bothered by them, he will have them exterminated. She is taken aback and lectures him about the cycle of life. She exclaims they’re beautiful. While gazing at Rishe, Prince Arnold agrees. Rishe notices that the fireflies are gathering around the Prince. When she tells the Prince, he tells her that she should come over. Of course, Rishe can’t do anything the proper way. She lifts up her nightgown and jumps to his balcony. Without hesitation, Arnold drops his sword and reaches for her.

She picks up his sword and thanks him. Rishe asks Prince Arnold why he exited with his sword. He replies he thought the fireflies were torches. It is apparent to Rishe that his mind is constantly on the battlefield. Once again, she is drawn to the beauty of his eyes.

He tells Rishe that as a child, he wanted to gouge his eyes out because they were proof he was the son of the emperor. He reminds Rishe that his eyes are not something she should gaze upon. Rishe realizes the depth of hatred between Arnold and his father. Prince Arnold tells Rishe that he can’t look upon his country with admiration as she does. Rishe tries to lecture Prince Arnold that his disgust with the capital is a learned behavior and that he can change it if he tries. He reiterates that he only cares about what it of use to him to achieve his goals. He makes it clear to Rishe that includes her. He will easily dispatch her if she gives him reason to. Rishe immediately counters that if she becomes his wife, she too will achieve her own aims. Even if he casts her aside, she will find her way back to him whether it is becoming a maid, or dress as a man to become a knight, or as an herbalist. She will continue to find him and always find a way to stand by his side. She then touches his face.

She tells Prince Arnold that she will tell him over and over, no matter how much he detests them, that he has the beautiful eyes in the world.

Professor Michel is being tailed by Prince Theodore’s men. However, Michel is aware that he is being followed. He takes a turn around a corner and throws a compound on the floor knocking out his pursuers. They lose track of Michel.

Prince Arnold and Prince Kyle meet again, but Prince Arnold makes it clear that he has no intention of revisiting their last conversation. However, Rishe gets involved in the discussions. Her plan is revealed. She had Coyolles artisans recreate the pocket watch Prince Arnold lent her. Prince Kyle and Rishe intend to win Arnold over with the fact that Coyolles has artisans and can create value to Coyolles if an alliance is formed. However, it does not go as planned.

In the middle of the talks, Prince Theodore interrupts. He gives Rishe a signal. Rishe apologizes to the princes and exits the room. It is then that Prince Theodore explains to Rishe that his retainers lost track of Professor Michel. Prince Theodore mentions something is off with his brother. Despite being the second prince, Arnold would never let him barge into one of his meetings. Rishe agrees that something doesn’t add up.

As soon as Rishe leaves, Prince Arnold calls in Oliver and some knights.

Meanwhile, Prince Theodore reaches the bottom of the stairs and announces to Rishe that they found Michel. Rishe makes her way to the courtyard and faces Michel.


I don’t even know where to begin. I really want to know what trauma made Prince Arnold so self-deprecating and self-destructive. Where did those scars come from? I can only guess his upbringing and/or his father. It’s sweet how much Rishe believes he can be a better man. I don’t feel that way about real life, though. People, don’t go into a relationship where you think you can change someone! But, back to the case at hand. How can you not like Rishe? She’s optimistic about the man she is about to marry. She has culminated her lives’ knowledge and is using it all to stop a terrible war. She is trying to save his soul, and that’s intense. I absolutely loved the firefly interaction. Rishe can be such an airhead. There is only one more episode. I am a bit perturbed that they are either going to rush the ending, or leave us hanging for a second season. Hopefully, the latter.


Episode 1: The Fiancée That Killed Me
Episode 2: The Golden Imperial Capital
Episode 3: A Thinly Veiled Sword Dance (Rondo)
Episode 4: Turning a Knave Into a Secret Spice
Episode 5: Another Kind of Trade
Episode 6: The Only One in the World
Episode 7: A Lullaby Like the Beat of a Heart
Episode 8: The Color of the Sea Beyond the Horizon
Episode 9: Visitor from the North
Episode 10: A Sweetly Fragrant Cigarette is Lit

Author: ChibiChonk

I live my life one casual hobby at a time.

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