Anime: 7th Time Loop, Ep. 12

Episode 12: The Most Beautiful Thing

Rishe runs over to Michel. The guards immediately stop her and tell her that Michel has admitted to constructing an act of violence at 6 p.m. Rishe questions Michel. He admits the act is so Prince Arnold witnesses his black powder. As they speak, Michel discloses that his existence is only to bring in violence. Out of nowhere, Prince Theodore rushes to Rishe and gives her a thumbs up signal. In a memory, Rishe recalls asking Michel in her previous life whether a poison could really not be used to bring happiness. Rishe determines that she must show Michel rather than ask him.

Rishe begins to lecture Michel on not accounting for all variables in an experiment. Especially, not accounting for her. Michel looks at his pocket watch and 6 p.m. is about to strike. Instead of an explosion of violence, Rishe has managed to change the explosion to that of a firework.

Rishe continues to lecture Michel that even poison can be used for something other than destruction. Michel looks upon the sky in awe. Rishe explains she used different metals to create colored flames. Rishe again reiterates that there is nothing which exists solely to bring misfortune to others. In another flashback, Rishe recalls Michel telling Rishe that in order to change someone’s perspective, she must show results as counter-evidence. Rishe recognized the professor would never change his mind without proof.

Rishe then heads over to Prince Theodore to thank him. She had used the information she gleaned from Michel’s journal to find the black powder. Then, she had Prince Theodore’s retainers change out the bombs with fireworks. Just as things look up, Lord Lawvine appears. He explains that Michel is being detained.

Prince Arnold arrives. Lawvine tells Prince Arnold he plans to interrogate Michel. When Rishe tries to interject, Arnold stops her in her tracks. Prince Arnold explains to Lawvine that Michel’s act was introducing new technology to their nation. When questioned, Arnold explains they are entering a technological alliance with Coyolles.

Prince Kyle immediately reprimands Michel. Michel tries to explain that he did not intend to create the fireworks, but Rishe immediately tells Michel to stay quiet and allow Prince Kyle to reprimand him. Michel then apologizes to both and tells them he will never do it again. Rishe approaches Prince Arnold. He immediately retorts that he is not acting out of kindness.

Rishe prepared more medicine for Prince Kyle for his voyage home. Out in the garden, Michel speaks to Rishe one last time. Michel is determined to create things that bring happiness. Rishe makes her report to Arnold. This time, she has one thing to show Prince Arnold. In her hand, she holds her ring. She kept her promise to not look at it until it was finished and she could view it with Prince Arnold. However, he stops her and says that it is unnecessary.

Prince Arnold tells Rishe that she isn’t bound to the ring and that she should do as she wishes. She does not need to wear it on his account. She adamantly states no. She reminds him of how she chose a specific finger for her ring. She explains to Arnold that in her country, it is the finger that a husband places a ring on. She tells Arnold she longs for that tradition. She declares that she wants to wear it for their ceremony and that she will wear it every day.

Prince Arnold reminds her that he doesn’t have gloves on. She tells him that it is okay without them. Then, with pleading eyes she asks him again. He grabs her hand and walks her over to the couch. Then, crouching on one knee, he kisses her ring finger.

He tells her to not hold her breath.

She looks at her ring in awe. It is exactly like his eyes.

Rishe then admits to Arnold the list of questions she wants to ask him has increased. He tells her that she can ask anything. She, instead, tells him she wants to travel with him and to experience all the beautiful things in the world. He admits to Rishe that thanks to her, he has found one more beautiful thing in the world. She inquires what can it be. He tells her if she doesn’t know, he won’t tell her. He pats her on the head.


Admittedly, I know Rishe is the protagonist, but does everything work out in her favor? Am I wrong for wanting at least one of her plans to fail? Must be nice to have main character perks! In all seriousness, I was happy with the way it ended. There is hope that Prince Arnold won’t turn into the warmonger that he was in all of her previous lives. I’ve enjoyed the slow progress with Prince Arnold’s character. I think it was a good play to keep his bad boy image almost to the very end. The “ring ceremony” was sweet. I love how he sighs as though he is giving into her every whim. That kiss to the finger? *chef’s kiss*


Episode 1: The Fiancée That Killed Me
Episode 2: The Golden Imperial Capital
Episode 3: A Thinly Veiled Sword Dance (Rondo)
Episode 4: Turning a Knave Into a Secret Spice
Episode 5: Another Kind of Trade
Episode 6: The Only One in the World
Episode 7: A Lullaby Like the Beat of a Heart
Episode 8: The Color of the Sea Beyond the Horizon
Episode 9: Visitor from the North
Episode 10: A Sweetly Fragrant Cigarette is Lit
Episode 11: Determination of a Snow Flower

Author: ChibiChonk

I live my life one casual hobby at a time.

2 thoughts

  1. Yeah, this was a pretty nice time traveler story. Though I honestly did get kind of confused about Prince Arnold’s attitude some times. In the beginning of the series he’s the one that asks Rishe to marry him, and she reluctantly accepts, but as the series progressed it seemed more and more like it had been the other way around. The crown prince acted like it was Rishe that had forced him into marriage and he wanted nothing to do with it, while Rishe had to coax the crown prince into accepting her quite often. At one point this role reversal was so strong that I had to double check that I wasn’t mis-remembering the first episodes. The ending was really good, the only thing that I wish was a little more clear is whether or not Rishe is going to go back in time again. The viewers are kind of left wondering. If war doesn’t break out, then maybe she won’t, but maybe all it takes is for her to die, so maybe she will?

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    1. I agree. Prince Arnold was very hard to get a handle on. Did he really like Rishe or was she really a tool in his schemes? I think it is safe to say that maybe he didn’t understand his feelings for her until the very end. I hope that she doesn’t time travel again. I think that would be very heartbreaking for her. I think she finally found her place and her purpose.

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